# watchdog Simple internet website and page change monitoring script for linux. usage: **watchdog.sh** [_configfile_] If no _configfile_ is specifed, a default "_${0%.*}.config_" will be loaded from the scripts directory. Unless you renamed the script it will look for "_watchdog.config_". The CONFIG file:
TITLETitle of the RSS feed.
DESCRIPTIONDescription of the feed.
URLThe base URL for the RSS feed to link back to HTML versions.
WEBMASTERYour email address and name.
ARTICLEWhenever changes are detected, this will be the title of the article in the RSS feed and header on the HTML page.
SITESSites that this configuration file applies.
CACHEDirectory to store all cache data and temporary files. If it does not exist the script will automatically create it.
WWWDirectory to store the RSS feed and all HTML files. If it does not exist the script will automatically create it.
RSSFilename for the RSS feed.
MAXMaximum number of items in the RSS feed. No, it is not broken. I just haven't got around to implementing it yet. At present. There is ever only on item in the feed. I add this soon. Hopefully, I will remember to take this text out. We will see. :-)
IGNOREDefault exclusion for LINKS option.
The SITES file: usage: **URL** [_options..._] It is a simple list of URL's you want the script to test for changes with a couple simple rules. First, any line that starts with # is completely ignored. Otherwise, the line contains the URL then any options separated by spaces. Basically, the original page and the most recent page are compared through diff and only the new or changed lines are examined. These lines are then repeatedly filtered through the options. If anything remains, then a page change notice is published to the RSS feed. The options are processed in order and if at any point no changes remain that page is assumed to be unchanged.
#Ignore everything else on this line.
-Filter out any lines matching this (not case specific).
+Filter out any lines the don't match this (not case specific).
LINKSRestart and render page down to HREF links only. This will also cause the changed links to appear in the RSS feed.
TOPIgnore links on the same server that are outside the check URL's tree. (Only valid after LINKS)
HOSTIgnore links to different servers. (Only valid after LINKS)
Extra tool fdpkglinks.sh usage: **fdpkglinks.sh** [_infofiles_] [_sitesfile_] I very simple script that will use the text _infofiles_ create by the FreeDOS online software repository management utility _fdrepo.sh_ and generate a _sitesfile_ for _watchdog.sh_ to check.